
Check out these sex 2009 images:

Image by photognome

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Answer by Steven
No matter how you look at it sex between two mutual partners is not illegal, sex out in nature is not illegal.
Now, in your case, you can see them; it is illegal to have sex in public where others can see the people committing the act, it is considered lewd and lascivious; it is trespassing if it is happening on personal property and can be considered indecent exposure and prostitution.
You have several choices:
First, you could stick your head out the window and say "Will you please take that somewhere else?"
Second, you can yell at them and say "Get the hell out of my alley before I call the police, you are trespassing!â
Second, you can shine a flashlight out there to scare them off and repeat No.2.
Third, you can get a big boyfriend to take a hose and spray them with water. LOL
Fourth, you can have florescent floodlights installed in the alley with motion detectors so that the light will turn on when ever someone goes in the alley. This I think is the best, it serves several purposes, it deters the sex offenders, scares criminals and makes is easy for you to see if anyone is in the alley.
Fifth, you could call the cops. The police should be aware that this activity is going on no matter what, but the cops can't be there every night to catch these people and they may never catch them or if they do, others will commit the same crime.
Good Luck